Remember that if there's only one truth then all other truths must be false. Sometimes we mix our personal beliefs with God's word in order to justify what we believe. But if God's word is absolute, only one thing can remain and that is the truth of the Word of God. All isms, ideologies and personal beliefs come second to that. This is detrimental to the state of the believer. There are moments where we want to administer the gospel to people but due to the fact that we are wrapped up in our own beliefs, we do the Word of God a disservice. We deliver it from a place of insecurity. I'm talking about the "this is how I feel" kind of gospel. The kind of gospel that only talks about the blessings of God but never challenges the heart of the man or woman. The kind of gospel that talks about what we can get out of God bt never about what God free;y gives us. Salvation through Jesus Christ. I believe that hen we take personal beliefs and isms and mix them w...
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