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Showing posts from August, 2018


You've heard it said that when you make a mistake or bad decision, you should've learned a lesson afterwards. Yet there is a question that needs to be asked in relevance to the situation. How will the lesson learned be practically applied? There is a difference between a lesson learned and a lesson applied. Often times we continue to make the same mistakes in life because we choose not to apply what we've learned.  Take a math lesson for example. You go to the class, listen to the professor, and learn all of the formulas. Math is full of formulas that if executed correctly, present the same answer. Then the test comes, and you have to apply the formula you've learned the day before. The only problem is that you have forgotten the formula. Or let's just say you remember the formula, but when the math problem presented itself, you did not feel like applying it. You ultimately fail the test by a few points. Had you'd applied the formula when the problem prese...


But those who  wait on the   Lord Shall renew  their  strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31 We all go through this season called "waiting". Waiting for the next big thing. Within that waiting there comes a time where things become a little stagnant and we begin to question the purpose of this season. It's a time where life becomes redundant. The days become less and less significant, and we often get caught up in the routine of this thing called life. It's pointless. We ask why. Why are things still the same? Why hasn't anything changed. What's life's significance? What's even the point of existing? God puts us in these seasons for a reason. I believe that God puts us in these seasons because He wants to prepare us for our next season. He wants to prepare us for our next level spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally. Yet we will never...