We can talk about God’s blessings all day, but if the success you’ve gained was obtained immorally in the sight of God, then it wasn’t God that gave you that success. It was yourself. What if I told you that you could gain the whole world without God’s help and lose your soul in the process? What if I told you that just because it looks good, it doesn’t mean it’s God? What if I told you that your swollen pockets aren’t necessarily a sign that God is “in the blessing business?” The reality is that people (Christians included) have made money their God, and it’s impossible to serve God and money. God isn’t the author of quick fixes and fast money. In fact true blessings are obtained through the obedience of the one who loves God, serves God and puts God first in a way that honors Him. So what master do you serve? The dollar? Or Jesus? "No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You ca...
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